Monday 16 November 2015

How to Start Rabbit Farming Business

Rabbits are small sized animal. So it’s very easy to start a commercial rabbit farming business. Make a proper business plan before starting. Here we are describing the most important steps of starting commercial rabbit farming business.

Rabbit Farming

To fulfill the food demand for growing population, we have to find out different ways of food production. The rabbit known as “Micro-Livestock” can be a great source of food production. There is a great opportunity of rabbit farming, and commercial production can be a great source of income and employment.


Poultry farmers can now rear Kuroiler, a high yielding and economical chicken that is highly resistant to perennial poultry diseases like Newcastle, thanks to Ziwani Poultry Farm, who introduced the breed to the Kenyan market last year.

Climate change fuels global conflict – Kerry

Negative effects of climate change such as extreme drought are linked to deadly violence in countries such as Syria and Nigeria, and those still denying there’s a problem are putting the entire planet at risk, the US secretary of state said.

Saturday 24 October 2015


The common names of plant diseases often reflect the type of symptom they cause. If you can identify the symptoms as a blight or wilt, for example, you may be able to successfully take steps to limit the disease, even if you don't know the specific pathogen causing the infection.  Here are the most common garden plant diseases and disorders.
Remember: If you're considering applying a spray or dust, take time to identify the specific disease problem first so that you apply the appropriate product at the correct time to be effective.


Anthracnose, or bird's-eye spot, is a fungal disease. It causes small dead spots that often have a raised border and a sunken center, and that may have concentric rings of pink and brown.
Bean anthracnose infects beans and other legumes. The symptoms are most obvious on the pods as circular, black, sunken spots that may ooze pink slime and develop red borders as they age. To control, buy disease-free seed, rotate crops, turn under or hot-compost infected plants, and avoid touching plants when they are wet so you won't spread the disease.

Friday 23 October 2015


Plants wilt when they don't get enough water. When fungi or bacteria attack or clog a plant's water-conducting system, they can cause permanent wilting, often followed by the death of all or part of the plant. Wilt symptoms may resemble those of blights.


Rusts are a specific type of fungal disease. Many of them require two different plant species as hosts to complete their life cycle. Typical rust symptoms include a powdery tan to rust-colored coating. Applying neem oil can help prevent rust by killing spores on the leaves.


Rots are diseases that decay roots, stems, wood, flowers, and fruit. Some diseases cause leaves to rot, but those symptoms tend to be described as leaf spots and blights. Rots can be soft and squishy or hard and dry. They are caused by various bacteria and fungi. Many are very active in stored fruits, roots, bulbs, or tubers.


Cankers usually form on woody stems and may be cracks, sunken areas, or raised areas of dead or abnormal tissue. Sometimes they ooze conspicuously, and can girdle shoots or trunks, causing everything above to wilt and die. Blights and diebacks due to cankers look quite similar. Cold-injury symptoms may look like, or lead to the development of, cankers and diebacks.

Thursday 8 October 2015

Vegetable Crop Farming

Vegetable farming may be pursued at leisure as a hobby or developed from small-scale to a commercial sized one.
If you have a piece of idle land in your backyard, you could try growing some vegetables during your spare time to augment the family's food supply or supplement family income. Starting one is easy as you could just use your usual garden equipment to till the soil for crop growing. Such hobby can eventually be pursued full-time on a commercial scale. A farm a fraction of an acre in size could generate $15,000 in annual sales.

Avian Encephalomyelitis, Epidemic Tremors

Avian encephalomyelitis is a viral disease of the central nervous system of chickens, pheasants, turkeys, and quail. It has a worldwide distribution.
Morbidity 5-60% depending on the immune status of the majority of parents, mortality high. Vertical transmission is very important, transmission
occurs over about 1-2 weeks, some lateral. The route of infection is transovarian with an incubation period of 1-7 days; lateral transmission is probably by the oral route, incubation >10 days. Virus in faeces may survive 4 weeks or more.

Fowl Cholera, Pasteurellosis

Fowl Cholera is a serious, highly contagious disease.
Fowl Cholera, Pasteurellosis disease caused by the bacterium Pasteurella
multocida in a range of avian species including chickens, turkeys, and water fowl, (increasing order of susceptibility). It is seen worldwide and was one of the first infectious diseases to be recognised, by Louis Pasteur in 1880.

Peste des Petits Ruminants

Overview of Peste des Petits Ruminants
Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute or sub acute viral disease of goats and sheep characterized by fever, necrotic stomatitis, gastroenteritis, and pneumonia. It was first reported in the Ivory Coast in 1942 and subsequently in Senegal, Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria. Sheep and goats are probably equally susceptible to the virus, but sheep may be somewhat more resistant to its clinical effects.

Animal Diseases

Animal disease is an impairment of the normal state of an animal that interrupts or modifies its vital functions.
Concern with diseases that afflict animals dates from the earliest human contacts with animals and is reflected in early views of religion and magic.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Factors to consider in poultry farming

1. Select your Poultry Niche
The poultry industry is a broad niche. There are many sub-sectors in the poultry industry which you can tap into. When poultry farming is mentioned, a lot of people take that to mean chicken rearing or turkey rearing alone but poultry farming is a very wide business with different aspects. Below are niches in the poultry business:

Economic Potentials of Poultry Farming in Africa

Poultry are domesticated birds kept by humans for the eggs they produce, their meat, feathers and sometimes as pets.
These birds include Chickens, Quails, Turkeys, Water fowls, Ducks. geese, Pigeons e.t.c

Health Benfits of Oranges

1. Helps Prevent Cancer
Oranges are rich in citrus limonoids, proven to help fight a number of varieties of cancer including that of the skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon.
2. Prevents Kidney Diseases
Drinking orange juice regularly prevents kidney diseases and reduces the risk of kidney stones.

Feeding of Goats

Goats are good converters of household waste to meat. They feed on grasses, hay, Cassava peels and a host of other feed.

In order to cut down on your feeding costs you could grow your own hay and any grass clippings can easily be made into silage by stuffing the cuttings into fertilizer bags as tightly as possible. Weigh them down with old tires or the like and leave them until they have started to ferment. Then use for feeding your goats.

Housing of Goats

Goats are not as hardy as cows, especially during winter, and like a dry, draught-free shed but with good ventilation. Any windows should be placed high up to allow fresh air, but still draught-free.  Goats also hate rain so therefore a shed is a must.

Goat Rearing

Goat farming is not a new enterprise. Rearing goats is a profitable business. Goat has been rearing since the time immemorial. Generally goat farming means rearing goats for the purpose of harvesting milk, meat and fiber. At present, goat farming has become a profitable business and it requires a very low investment because of its multi-functional utility. Commercial goat farming business is contributing greatly to the economy and nutrition of a country. Goats are multi-functional animal.

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