Monday 16 November 2015

Rabbit Farming

To fulfill the food demand for growing population, we have to find out different ways of food production. The rabbit known as “Micro-Livestock” can be a great source of food production. There is a great opportunity of rabbit farming, and commercial production can be a great source of income and employment.
Rabbits need small place for living and less food for surviving. Rabbit meat contains high ratio of protein, energy, calcium and vitamin than any other types of animal meat. The amount of cholesterol, fat and sodium is also less than other meat. Their meat is very testy, nutritious and easily digestible for all aged people. And there are no religious taboo for consuming rabbit meat. Rabbits grow very fast and the female rabbit produce 2 to 8 kids every time. They can consume very low quality food and turn this foods to high quality meat, skin or fiber. Raising rabbit can be a great income source to the unemployed educated people and landless farmers. So commercial rabbit farming business can be a great source to meetup the food or protein demand and a great source of employment. Here we are describing the advantages of commercial rabbit farming business and steps for starting.

Benefits of Rabbit Farming
There are many benefits of commercial rabbit farming business. The main benefits of rabbit farming business are listed below.
1. Rabbits are very fast growing animal.
2. Their food converting rate is better than other animals.
3. One female rabbit can give birth about 2 to 8 kids each time.
4. Rabbits can be raised within a short space.
5. Production costs are less, compared to other large sized animals.
6. Rabbit meat is very tasty, nutritious and easily digestible. All aged people can eat without any problem.
7. There are no religious taboos consuming rabbit meat.
8. In case of meat production, rabbits are placed after poultry.
9. Kitchen wastes, grass, plant leaves etc. are favorite foods of rabbit. So you can raise some rabbits for your family needs, using this type of low cost and easily available commodities.
10. Rabbit farming require less labor compared to another animal farming business. You can easily use your family labor for successful commercial rabbit farming business.
11. Commercial rabbit farming business require relatively less capital and you will get back your investment within a very short period.
12. As it is a highly profitable business, so commercial production can be a great source of earning and employment.
13. You can meetup your family nutritional demands through raising a few number of rabbits.
14. People usually raise rabbits as pets. But raising them commercially, can be a great source of income and a smart way of employment. The annual demand of meat is increasing rapidly throughout the world. Right now poultry, beef and pork meat are controlling this huge demand. Commercial rabbit production can play a very important role to meetup this demand. So rabbit farming business has a great opportunity.

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